Information on individual educational components (ECTS-Course descriptions) per semester

Degree programme:Bachelor International Business Administration Part-time
Type of degree:FH BachelorĀ“s Degree Programme
 Summer Semester 2024

Course unit titleIntroduction to Business Law
Course unit code025008020301
Language of instructionGerman
Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)Compulsory
Semester when the course unit is deliveredSummer Semester 2024
Teaching hours per week2
Year of study2024
Level of course unit (e.g. first, second or third cycle)First Cycle (Bachelor)
Number of ECTS credits allocated2
Name of lecturer(s)Tobias GISINGER
Johannes PREISL

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Successful completion of the course Introduction to Private Law

Course content
  • The company in legal transactions (types of entrepreneurs, company name, company register, entrepreneurial representation)
  • Acquisition of a company
  • Company-related transactions and special provisions in the UGB with special consideration of the sale of goods and UN sales law
  • Company law (partnerships, corporations)
  • Competition law, industrial property protection and copyright law
  • Cartel law
  • Trade law with special consideration of business investment law
Learning outcomes

This course continues the acquisition of legal competence begun with "Private Law". Corporate law is an indispensable field of knowledge for graduates of the degree programme in International Business Administration in order to

The students acquire basic knowledge of company law (UGB, company law, competition law, trade law, cartel law) and can explain basic terms of company law. They know the position of companies and their respective actions in legal transactions. The students are familiarised with the corporate law regulations of corporate law and are able to classify simple corporate law facts in legal terms. They are able to recognise legal contexts and to legally assess simple corporate law facts and to recognise whether and which legal claims exist. They are able to apply the acquired legal knowledge and adjust their course of action accordingly.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Interactive course with lecture, case studies, exercises in individual and group work, presentations and homework.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written exam



Recommended or required reading

Bydlinski, Peter (2020): Grundzüge des Privatrechts für Ausbildung und Praxis, Wien: Manz-Verlag.

Gisinger, Tobias (2014): Wirtschaftsprivatrecht I, Wien: LexisNexis.

Kodex Unternehmensrecht LexisNexis (oder eine ähnliche Gesetzessammlung)

Weitere fakultative Quellen werden in den Unterlagen zur Lehrveranstaltung genannt.

Gesetze und Judikatur unter

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Classes without compulsory attendance

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