Information on individual educational components (ECTS-Course descriptions) per semester

Degree programme:Bachelor International Business Administration Part-time
Type of degree:FH BachelorĀ“s Degree Programme
 Winter Semester 2024

Course unit titlePrinciples of Supply Chain Management
Course unit code025008031301
Language of instructionGerman
Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)Compulsory
Semester when the course unit is deliveredWinter Semester 2024
Teaching hours per week3
Year of study2024
Level of course unit (e.g. first, second or third cycle)First Cycle (Bachelor)
Number of ECTS credits allocated4
Name of lecturer(s)Wolfgang HILPERT
Michael MAYER
Annemarie Theresia PATSCH

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Successful completion of the courses Procurement, Production and Logistics as well as Cost and Performance Accounting.

Confidence in activity-based costing

Course content
  • Overview of SCM, interpretation, potentials and opportunities
  • Basic concepts of SCM
  • SCORE model and basic levels of design
  • Experience Bullwhip effect and its causes as well as measures for reduction
  • Lean production, KAIZEN
Learning outcomes

Cost and competitive advantages in companies usually arise from international value chains. The correct design of the supply chain (source, make, deliver and return) is essential. Students of the International Business Administration degree programme deepen the knowledge and skills acquired in the course Procurement, Production and Logistics and focus on production logistics, lean production and distribution logistics as well as planning.

The students know the basic terms, tasks and goals of Supply Chain Management (SCM), prerequisites, effects as well as potentials of SCM are made known. The SCORE model, its structure and contents can be described.

The students experience the effects and causes of the bullwhip effect and can discuss it. Causes for waste as well as their effects can be discussed and explained.

The students can explain measures to reduce the bullwhip effect and apply them in the simulation.Basic procedures and concepts of lean production and CIP can be implemented in a simulation and the results discussed. The problem-solving cycle as a method can be practised and internalised in the context of the simulations.

The students are able to identify and describe problems from the simulations/cases, relevant KPIs can be analysed and interpreted as a measure of success of a change. Students will be able to use different known principles and procedures from SCM to design improved processes and to argue and document the decisions. The solutions to the problems can be translated into a sustainable and sound concept.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Interactive course with lecture, case studies, exercises in individual and group work, realization of a simulation game, participation in an excursion.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written exam, written paper, individual weighting according to the instructors, announcement at the beginning of the semester


Specific times of the excursions, locations and cost will be announced at the beginning of this course.

Recommended or required reading

Schulte, Christian (2016): Logistik – Wege zur Optimierung der Supply Chain. München: Vahlen.

Ehrmann, Harald (2017): Logistik. Herne: NWB.

Kummer, Sebastian; Grün, Oskar; Jammernegg, Werner (2018): Grundzüge der Beschaffung, Produktion und Logistik. München: Pearson.

Werner, Hartmut (2020): Supply Chain Management: Grundlagen, Strategien, Instrumente und Controlling. Springer: Wiesbaden.

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Classes with compulsory attendance in individual teaching units (simulation game, seminars, excursions) supplemented by asynchronous teaching units for the presentation of elementary basics, which are assumed as given knowledge

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