Information on individual educational components (ECTS-Course descriptions) per semester

Degree programme:Contextual Studies
Type of degree:Intern
 Winter Semester 2024

Course unit titleInnovation Ecosystem Explorers
Course unit code800101021700
Language of instructionEnglish
Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)Elective
Semester when the course unit is deliveredWinter Semester 2024
Teaching hours per week2
Year of study2024
Level of course unit (e.g. first, second or third cycle)First Cycle (Bachelor)
Number of ECTS credits allocated3
Name of lecturer(s)Thomas METZLER

Prerequisites and co-requisites

The 2024 study trip will take us to Tallinn and Helsinki. However, we reserve the right to make changes with regard to the destination. In this respect, participation in this course requires a general willingness to travel to an innovation hotspot. If travel is generally not possible, a substitute program will be organised at FHV. 

Program costs for the trip (on-site organisation and transportation costs; Tallinn-Helsinki ferry) are approx. 850-950 EUR per person. Hotel costs for 5 nights are about 600-700 EUR (single room basis, depending on booking situation and accommodation, without meals). The actual program costs will be announced separately, as they depend on the number of participants.

The other costs for flight, meals, insurances and personal expenses have to be paid additionally and have to be organised individually. Please book hotel reservations only with cancellation option and flight reservations ideally also with cancellation option. In any case, before making any bookings, please wait for communication from the course instructor (e.g. with regard to the proposed course hotel or the start / end of the course units on site, as these are made with regard to flight schedules, etc.).

Good English language skills are required for the trip. Current country regulations (e.g. regarding vaccination) must be observed.

The ÖH insurance will provide accident and liability insurance coverage on a small scale. We kindly ask you to take care of an adequate insurance coverage (liability, accident, health and possibly a return insurance) yourself.

Course content

In this course, students deal with innovation ecosystems and the stakeholders operating within them. In doing so, they explore the needs and challenges that different stakeholders perceive and consider these in the context of intercultural differences.

Learning outcomes

As part of the study trip "Innovation Ecosystem Explorers", students examine innovation ecosystems and explore how different stakeholders (e.g. startups, government, funding agencies) think and act. To broaden their horizons and gain intercultural experience, students travel to Tallinn and Helsinki, impulsive, future-shaping hotspots. During the study trip, students discuss with managers, founders and experts.


- Students can outline key stakeholders in innovation ecosystems.


- Students understand cultural differences between Estonia, Finland and Austria. 


- Students can compare different innovation ecosystems and distinguish the ways of thinking and doing of the stakeholders operating in them.


- Students can combine and reflect on their theoretical considerations and the practical insights gained during their study trip.

- Students can derive recommendations for action on practical problems.


- Students can evaluate innovation ecosystems and reason relevant recommendations for action.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods
  • Exchange on various innovation-related topics in an interdisciplinary context
  • Journey to thematic hotspots
  • Access to and insight into innovative companies
  • Intercultural exchange of thoughts
  • Multiple guest lectures
  • Discussions in the group, with lecturers and stakeholders
Assessment methods and criteria
  • Reflection on innovation ecosystem papers (30%; to be completed before the trip)
  • Participation during the study trip (40%; during the trip)
  • Reflection paper on experiences from the study trip (30%; to be handed in after the trip)

Alumni participation welcome.

For more information on the trip to Tallinn and Helsinki, visit FHV Inside: Tallinn & Helsinki 2024 

A hybrid info date on Friday, 6 October, 1-2 p.m., in the startupstube (next to room U2 12) will allow for your own questions and a personal exchange with Thomas Metzler.

Recommended or required reading

_Osterwalder, Alexander; Pigneur, Yves (2010): Business Model Generation. A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. Hoboken, New Jersey: Jon Wiley & Sons, Inc.

_Dodgson, Mark; Gann, David M; Phillips, Nelson (2013): The Oxford Handbook of Innovation Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

_Current scientific papers on the topic

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Face-to-face course with attendance expected.

During the study trip to Tallinn and Helsinki, students will intensively deal with the innovation ecosystems in Estonia and Finland. They will engage in an exchange of ideas with innovative startups and relevant stakeholders. In doing so, you will explore the role of ecosystems in the formation of innovative startups and gain an understanding of how local entrepreneurs think and act.

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