Information on individual educational components (ECTS-Course descriptions) per semester

Degree programme:Contextual Studies
Type of degree:Intern
 Summer Semester 2025

Course unit titleThe Digital World: Technology, Society and Ethics
Course unit code800101012601
Language of instructionEnglish
Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)Elective
Semester when the course unit is deliveredSummer Semester 2025
Teaching hours per week2
Year of study2025
Level of course unit (e.g. first, second or third cycle)First Cycle (Bachelor)
Number of ECTS credits allocated3
Name of lecturer(s)Marek BUZINKAY

Prerequisites and co-requisites

As preparation for the course, the reading of the book "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley is required.

Otherwise there are no prerequisites. Previous technical knowledge is not necessary.

Time slot: 20 February to 10 April 2025, on Thursdays from 6 pm

Course language: English

Course occupancy: Minimum 12 persons / Maximum 24 persons

Course costs: None 

Sustainability: SDG 9 - Sustainable Innovation

Course content
  • Looking back into history: Innovations and their impact in the past
  • Technologies today and in the future
  • The transparent human being 
  • Virtual and augmented reality
  • Smart Home 
  • AAL - Active & Assisted Living (Ambient Assisted Living)
  • What is artificial intelligence?
Learning outcomes

The students know the principles underlying current digital technologies in their application by users.

The students have dealt with the assessment of consequences for people and society on the basis of selected examples. They are sensitised to recognise and reflect on positive and negative effects of digital and non-digital innovations.

By working on a case study, the students are able to name and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a new technology, as well as define possible areas of application and restrictions, especially of an ethical nature.

The students know the basic concepts of (research) ethics.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods
  • Theory input
  • Discussion
  • Teamwork on self-selected case studies
Assessment methods and criteria

Documentation of a case study worked on in a team (70%)

Presentation of the case study (30%)


For further questions please contact: karin.trommelschlä or 

Recommended or required reading

Huxley, A. (2004). Brave New World. Vintage Classics.

Weizenbaum, J., & Rennert, U. (2003). Die Macht der Computer und die Ohnmacht der Vernunft

Dörner, R., Broll, W., Grimm, P., & Jung, B. (Hrsg.). (2019). Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR): Grundlagen und Methoden der Virtuellen und Augmentierten Realität. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Grimm, P., Keber, T. O., & Zöllner, O. (Hrsg.). (2017). Digitale Ethik: Leben in vernetzten Welten. RECLAM

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Face-to-face event with mandatory attendance, discussion, teamwork

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