Information on individual educational components (ECTS-Course descriptions) per semester

Degree programme:Bachelor InterMedia
Type of degree:FH BachelorĀ“s Degree Programme
 Summer Semester 2025

Course code Course unit title Type Language Course Credits
4. Semester
025218041010 Life Sciences Compulsory EN 3
025218042010 Scientific working methods 4 Compulsory EN 1
025218043010 Design Talk OpenIdea BA 4 Compulsory EN 1
025218044010 Planet centric and Circular Design Compulsory EN 3
025218047010 Best Practice Analysis Compulsory EN 3
025218046010 Cross-media communication Elective EN 7
025218046011 Digital Life, E-Skills Elective EN 7
025218046012 Sustainable systems Elective EN 7
025218046013 Service Design Elective EN 7
6. Semester
025218067014 Future Explorations Elective EN 2
Courses without semester allocation
800301020109 Exploring Austrian Culture and Values optional EN 3

Course code = Course unit code
Type = Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)
Language = Language of instruction (DE=german, EN=english)